Hello Friday! here’s another hooray for the long weekend! I just woke up to the hurling sound of the rain awhile ago. Good thing it didn’t last long. Now,I am thinking if I should wear my “curse pants” again, wondering why I called it with curse? because it’s either raining hard or I had to brave the flood water whenever I get to wear it. LOL!
Blogging wise, I’ve been so slow lately. I’ve been caught in between my online and offline world that I always end up being unproductive with my online activities.I got many stories that I want to share in here but I am always lost for words whenever I sat down and started to type in the keyboard.
Health wise, I’ve been nursing a dry cough close to four weeks now. I think the medicines that I am thinking is doing me no good at all!
I am hoping to deliver in all of my online tasks tonight, I just hope to get a kick of that blogging mojo once again!