
Yesterday was my __th birthday! šŸ˜€ Since I took off my birthday alert over at Facebook, there were only a few greetings and mostly from family members.  Haha! Anyway, I got my early gift ( an answered prayer) a week ago. Nothing really grand but I am so thankful as it actually did save me from a terrible headache.

I have been MIA in all of my blogs for the past weeksā€¦ The reason? My feet is in terrible pain and I couldnā€™t find the energy to sit in front of the PC when I got home from the office like I usually do. Iā€™d rather lay down in bed instead to find comfort for my aching feet. I noticed that it started or should I say that the pain didnā€™t go away since I had measles the last week of December. Now I am afraid because my hands are getting the same kind of pain.

I did consult Google and found out that it could be viral arthritis, it has been a month and I have no choice but to check out with the doctor for the right medicine on this soon.  With this, I appreciate small and simple things more, to be grateful and thankful for every bits and pieces that I enjoy doing the most. Because even the simple thing like alighting from a public vehicle is quite a tedious task for me now.

But nevertheless, I am looking forward to al lot of good things happening to me this year of the horse which happens to be My Year! šŸ˜‰

Also, last January marks my 6th year into this so called blogging world!  How I miss those ā€œoppsā€ blogging days. sigh! haha! Looking forward to more online blessings still. šŸ™‚

I am wishing for many good luck, good health and more blessing ahead!

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