New Sports To Try

Kids are growing up so fast that they wanted to try out different things all by themselves. I always amazed how they get to ask me things that I thought was too early for them to try out.

The little girl would ask me if when is the time she can start to wear make up?! LOL. While our youngest is often glued on playing online games, bad! He’s currently into Dragon City in Facebook and would always ask us if dragons are real and if we can own one and have it as a pet at home. Ahaha!

Seriously, I am thinking of enrolling dear son into creative activities once the summer starts. Who wouldn’t get bored when you’re stuck at home and there’s nothing left to do and playing on the PC would be the most entertaining  thing for them. I asked him what sport that he would like to try out and without battling an eyelash he said, football!


So there, I need to start looking for a gear and other accessories for him, I am also looking at for fantasy football trophies that he might be bringing home once the summer activity is over 🙂 I am positive about him winning, knowing how passionate and enthusiastic he is in all that he do.

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