Diabetes Pill Awareness

Diabetes is one serious health problem that our country is facing now. Too bad that most of my loved ones (DH, mom, BIL) has it. Statistics shows that it is rapidly and alarmingly increasing. I remember a couple of months ago when DH terribly got sick, we were so worried that his condition signals diabetic neuropathy. He lost a lot of weight and was almost in need for confinement.

Good thing that he was able to recover fast after taking some prescription medicines from his doctor. But they did warned us about the diabetes pill Actos, an oral diabetes medicine that lead to serious injuries like heart problems and increase the risk of bladder cancer. DH should avoid using the medicine or we would end up with having to deal with an Actos lawsuit. Glad that we were informed on the nature and kind of such medicine so we will be more aware of diabetes and its health risk.

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