Category Archives: surveys
Lazy Afternoon
Peek-a boo
Sickies in the family
Happy Monday…
A Busy Weekend
It’s a Monday and yet I feel it was already Friday evening for I want to spend the rest of my day on a rest and relaxation. I was busy as a bee last weekend. Last Saturday, Ian and I attended PTA meeting at 2 p.m and prior to that I woke up as early as 5:00 a.m to laundry our overflowing pile of clothes and a short trip to grocery at 12:00 noon. The PTA meeting includes discussion of Christmas Programs and election of Officers, thank God I was no longer elected this time! Last year I was the treasurer but hubby was elected as the PRO and the position is just fine for tasks are not complicated. Field trip and distribution of cards are also included. The meeting ended up at 5:00 p.m. By 5:30 Gabby and I were already on our way to the new place of my parents somewhere in Sampaloc and reach the place past 6 p.m already. I was really so tired and exhausted by then. Sunday was spent whole day by cleaning and organizing- fixing the house. Moving up is really hard especially if it’s cramming. haay!