Leather or fabric? It’s a difficult decision. Leather furniture can look more expensive, and it’s usually easier to clean, but fabric furniture can be more homely, warm and comfortable. Some leather sofas cope well with daily wear and tear, and some people like that ‘worn leather’ look. Other people find that they don’t like how their leather sofa looks when it’s been a part of their home for a while.
Whether your leather sofa is damaged, you find it uncomfortable or you just want a change of style, did you know that it’s possible to reupholster leather sofas by replacing the leather with fabric?
How to Reupholster a Leather Sofa
Choose a professional reupholstery service, rather than trying on your own. Your leather sofa is precious, and a professional can reupholster to the very highest standards. Your settee will look as good as new when it’s returned with fabric covering.
Reupholsterers remove the leather that covers the sofa. They then replace springs, and add new padding if necessary. Reupholstering isn’t simply the process of taking away the leather and replacing it with fabric – your sofa will be restored to excellent condition. Once the leather has been removed, and the inner sofa repaired, fabric will be fitted to replace the leather. Cushions can be covered in the same fabric, to create a consistent look.
Should You Reupholster Expensive Leather Sofas?
It can be difficult to commit to reupholstering if you know that your sofa is a high value piece of furniture. It’s important to remember that reupholstery doesn’t reduce the value of your sofa, and that if it’s already damaged then you can actually increase its value.
If your sofa is strong, well-made and hard-wearing, then you’ll want to choose a high quality fabric rather than one that’s cheaper or thinner. If your sofa had a feature that you were never completely happy with, then you’re able to modify it. As well as your settee’s financial value, think of its value to you and how you’ll enjoy it more if it’s tailored to your needs. Alternatively, if you’re not ready to take the plunge, you can buy furniture covers that fit over your existing leather sofa without the need to change what’s underneath.
Can You Keep Bits of Leather?
A professional furniture reupholsterer will work to your requirements. They’ll be able to completely replace every inch of leather, or to keep some original features if that’s what you’d prefer. You might find that you want to keep a few leather cushions, rather than having them modified to match the rest of your sofa. That’s your choice.
Why Not Buy a New Fabric Sofa?
You chose your leather sofa for a reason. If it simply needs a new cover, then the choice to reupholster might be the right decision for you. Your sofa might be an expensive, high quality piece of furniture that you don’t want to dispose of, or a piece of furniture that holds special memories. On the other hand, you might find that you’re happier to buy a whole new fabric sofa, and that you can find one that suits your needs. If you’re not sure whether you want to buy a new fabric sofa or have your existing leather sofa reupholstered, then local companies are usually happy to provide free quotes. Once you have a figure in mind, you’re better equipped to make your decision.
Have you had a leather sofa reupholstered, or are you considering reupholstering yours with fabric? Share your experiences by commenting below.
Nat Slater is a writer for Plumbs, specialists in loose furniture covers and reupholstery.