There are different factors to consider why people move from one place to another, it could be a work-related (transferring or moving to another work location), household move or bidding goodbye to a home to move to another for personal reasons like having been able to purchase a house and lot, etc. Health reasons due to getting sickly in the city because of pollution and going to the province to relocate since air and environment is less polluted.
Infographic below shows how many people go Moving in the US
Graphic Citation
For whatever reasons there is for moving, the important thing to lessen the stress and problem is to get the services of a Moving company, as they are equipped with all the necessary equipments such as trucks and delivery vans that will carry and transport all your valuables and takes charge in all the other details like the sorting and packing of your belongings. They are usually trained in such activity that will give you the confidence that you are in good hands and have the essential things covered upon your relocation.