The Week That Was

The past week has taken its toll on me. Since school started last Wednesday, June 13. We had to adjust again our schedule, kids have to sleep early for their 7:30 am. class.


( My Senior Kinder and Grade 3 school kids)

I, on the other hand has to do the coverings of their books and notebooks which really took me long to finish because I still had to attend my regular day job. Sorting, organizing and labeling their school supplies for submission also seems like forever in getting them all done. I was the one who did send the little boy to school on the first day and I glad I did as I was able to meet his new teacher.

I am also glad that Ian, after being sick for almost quite sometime, is now all well and getting back in shape. Things are starting to fall into place. There’s still one more thing that I am fervently praying for to our dear Lord,  that is for us to be able to cope up financially. With the two kids back to school again, educational related expenses like tuition fees and daily allowance, bills to pay and our daily expenses while relying on my weekly based salary and online gig extra income, I hope that they could all fit in the budget.

I am praying for more online opportunities for me to work on and hope to get back and be more inspired to blog more.

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