Body Ache

is what I have now and a cough too! Still tired from cleaning up the house yesterday. The water subsided only yesterday afternoon, It was really hard cleaning up the mess trying to fix things up but it’s nothing compared to what other people have gone through. We were still blessed. I am now here at the office but some of our officemates were absent since they are greatly affected by the flood. Thanks to those who gave words of encouragement, prayed and wished us safety.

One thought on “Body Ache

  1. Hi Dez…

    It's only now that I started bloghopping that I realize how many of my blogger friends are affected by Ondoy.

    Good to hear that your loved ones are safe. Yes, lives are far more important that any of those things.

    Stay safe Mommy Dez! I hope you can have as much normalcy as possible in the days to come.

    Mommy J

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