My Dad has lots of stuff over his cabinet, mom would always complain and ask him to throw things that are too old and smelly already. Being sentimental that he is, he just couldn’t gave in to moms’ request, but he did make some cleaning and we helped him go over those vintage things in his closet. We were so surprised to see a medium box full of old coins from the old era, he told us that it was given to him by his mom, Dad is now 77 years old. Imagine how old and rare these coins are?! He even told us that these are certified coins, there are few paper bills from different countries as well, neatly kept and posted in an album. He told us that these things are definitely one of his most prized possession. I was googling for some information over the net and found out that it is indeed a good investment to deal with. But as for now, Dad has decided to keep it to further increase its value.